My third HNT entry!Diving into the Villa's pool on holiday in Majorca - Spain last summer. ;->
Was this a bit too naughty to post?
Today, I'm Most Angry About:Getting stuck behind a White Hyundai doing 35mph the whole way to work! And they had a broken brake light AND never indicated once! Grrr Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 2/10
How dare you wear sandals in a pool not to mention the 'No Diving' sign behind your behind. I have my own pool and I almost ALWAYS swim in the buff. It's the best :-)
its half nekkid thursday not butt nekkid friday :p
p/s may i join u?
I'm speechless, Dogga!
Whew..and a little flushed..
Now, that's the proper way to enjoy your swim when in Majorca! ;)
Good heavens! That's set me up for a morning at work! :O
In my opinion the best way to go for a swim……butt naked!
Woo hoo! Great pic!! :)
But DoGGa, didn’t you noticed the sign? NO DIVING!! Naughty, naughty….shame on you!!;P
Yeah, that would be great! Although I would need one of those blurred censored box things to position on me 'somewhere' in the photo! ;-> x
Certainly is! No tan lines either! ;->
Thank you! :)
Hahaha, I didn't notice the sign in this particular picture no! LOL... Ooops.
How dare you wear sandals in a pool not to mention the 'No Diving' sign behind your behind.
I have my own pool and I almost ALWAYS swim in the buff.
It's the best :-)
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