My sister is currently looking after a friend of the families' rather voluminous rabbit, 'Floppsy'.
He's staying for the Bank holiday weekend while the owners are on holiday and he's the most adorable thing ever. (Apart from dogs, of course)
My Niece has a pet rabbit called Ben, so the likes of this beast is not new to my sis's household, hence it being the ideal place to be looked after for the weekend.
However, my Niece's pet, Ben Rabbit, is a Norwegian dwarf with attitude* and I seem to be the only person who's really at one with him. Probably because he receives ample amounts of fussing on a regular basis, whether he likes it or not, although he is quite happy to sit there and take it from me. Becuase of this, I guess he knows me and my smell very well?
[* He does have a tendency to growl if you do something he doesn't like; for example, poking him really hard, tweaking his ears or flicking his nose... Kidding... He growls when you take his food bowl out of his cage to refill it etc.]
Floppsy, on the other hand, is anyone's mate, especaially if you have food, so me and my bro in law decided to see what would happen if I got a carrot out while has out having a run.
The answer is, you get mauled, licked, trodden on and generally savaged by the rabbit, as he will do absolutely anything to get some of the tasty orange veg:
He's staying for the Bank holiday weekend while the owners are on holiday and he's the most adorable thing ever. (Apart from dogs, of course)
My Niece has a pet rabbit called Ben, so the likes of this beast is not new to my sis's household, hence it being the ideal place to be looked after for the weekend.
However, my Niece's pet, Ben Rabbit, is a Norwegian dwarf with attitude* and I seem to be the only person who's really at one with him. Probably because he receives ample amounts of fussing on a regular basis, whether he likes it or not, although he is quite happy to sit there and take it from me. Becuase of this, I guess he knows me and my smell very well?
[* He does have a tendency to growl if you do something he doesn't like; for example, poking him really hard, tweaking his ears or flicking his nose... Kidding... He growls when you take his food bowl out of his cage to refill it etc.]
Floppsy, on the other hand, is anyone's mate, especaially if you have food, so me and my bro in law decided to see what would happen if I got a carrot out while has out having a run.
The answer is, you get mauled, licked, trodden on and generally savaged by the rabbit, as he will do absolutely anything to get some of the tasty orange veg:
He has no problem climbing on Dogga to get what he wants
He does make a good pillow though
[Also, gives off a special force making Dogga look a right goon]
If in need of an emergency comedy moustache? Not a problem when Floppsy is around!
Today, I'm most angry about: The left side of my HiFi going down, and after much trial 'n error, found it was the left channel of my CD player. The phono lead had bust. (Penknife and soldering iron soon fixed that though!)
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 1/10
Hi DoGGa,
What a nice way to put it.."rather voluminous" ;)
Darling photos..the rabbit seems quite fond of you
I liked the impromptu comedy moustache hehehe
can't decide which one of u is cuter :)
Thanks Kayla.
I'm a bit of a soppy animal lover, so they probably pick up on that!
I was serious about the moustache though, as you never know when it may come in handy... ;->
Dogga: *Slight red tinge to the cheeks*
*falls off chair laughing* What a strange person you are!! ;) ;)
Cute, very cute! :)
The right side of our hifi keeps dying - we've learned that if we take it for a drive it recovers (learned from a pointless trip to be repaired - it worked perfectly on arrival. Typical.)
Thank you ;->
Me or the bunster? LOL
Always the case eh! Nowt worse than an intermittent fault.
Hahahaha.....that's for me to know and for you to find out (but not today) :Þ
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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