There's Always One...

When leaving work tonight, I was horrified to notice a respected colleague's car sporting this very flag:
You know who you are... Shame on you... :)
Today, I'm Most Angry About: Football and England flags and merchandise everywhere - Aaaggghhh...
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 2/10
I dont like football either and it takes over shops and good programs on t.v!! so sometimes im forced to watch it if im very bord!! lol. oh yeah and i know its weird for me to hate football as i am a tennager and most teenagers like it but hey..............
We av just been figting and he told me to write it in his blog this is how the fight went
i blew a raqsberry in his face and then we fort i tikled him because he is very tikilish then .......
............ tbc ..................
...............He was tiklin me so i kept blowin rasberys in his face and then we was just fitin u no............. lol ........ end of story byezy bye
Apparently my wife & son tell me there is a big competition in germany where lots of teams play against one another a game called `football'. At the end of tournament 1 team is left who is declared the winner, not just any old winner - the best team in the world. Over the years `football' has built quite a following apparently in the Birmingham are alone around a 100,000 people make a pilgrimage to see minor teams play. (still with me, good good)Anyway I digress - I think the football ball game is kind of dull but I think people who follow things through triumph & failure, people who get passionate & leap from there seat when the team scores , people who hold there head in there hands when there team fail - these people should be saluted - they wear there colours with pride - they stand tall for what they believe, we as a nation should stand united shoulder to shoulder & wave our flag pride - cue Land of Hope and Glory ! I stand tall with my wife & son and am proud to have drive under St Georges flag.
If that is really your niece, she is an absolute doll!
Are you "tikilish" Dogga? ;)
This info is the kind that could come in useful someday
I have no real feelings for football except the feeling I get when I see David Beckham! ;)
But we won't go there, now will we?
22 men & 1 ball. raspberries & tickling. poles erect, flags flying. hmm.... i dunno....
I don’t like football and anything that’s related to it. In my opinion football is just a very boring and long-lasting game of 22 guys who are trying to get a ball between two poles without using their hands. Yuk!
I live in an orange country once again and I am not just talking about decoration and stuff, even food (like pastries, potatoes and ice-cream) has turned orange. It’s madness!!
Thanks for the game! I stink at it but I got to level 8 :)
I'm with you amy! (and you of course dogga!) But the tv situation is appalling - where on earth has neighbours gone? (home and away = rubbish). It is a disgrace.
I was assured that people have to fly a flag on their car for each family member with an IQ of less than 50 ... ;)
You started it by blowing a raspberry in my face; I wasn't going to stand there and take that!
n rite proply u reetard!
You've spelt niece wrong too! Duh
What... My niece's irritating comments or football? LOL
Mr F:
I appreciate what you say and agree whole-heartedly, but people start being patriotic only when the footy is on! They will stop as soon as the football is over and go back to complaining about the country.
It takes over everything, TV, all products in the supermarket are using football to sell there products, all adverts on TV are getting football based too, it's just so annoyingly in your face and sickening, just like Xmas adverts being shown in October, you get sick of it!
I noticed that Dominos Pizza have come up with a football based pizza? OK, now that’s sad and what are they doing here – using salami as the red cross and mozzarella cheese as the white background? Are people actually going to buy pizza because it’s in the shape of an England flag? FFS… come one, what does that say about their clientele eh? They might as well do one in the shape of a profit making pound sign!
I have no problem with football or any other sport, its just so OTT and cause so much violence and it's also the loutish behaviour associated with all the and Neanderthal chanting I can't stand too - you don't get this with tennis, golf or cricket for example, they’re a lot more civilised.
*Rant over*
P.S. Read all the comments! :)
Yes, let me apologise, it really is my 13-year-old Niece (seen with the toffee apple on the start of Disneyland entry)
I'm not sure I would call her a doll, unless it's a doll with teenager attitude! Hehehe
She's OK I suppose... :) I love her, but could give her a weekly shoeing!
Ticklish? Moi? Aye! Yes I am, but only in certain places, like my "tummy" ;-(
I would like to see you use this 'information' on me someday! ;)
LOL! It's all mad mate - Is it not?
Waaaaay!!! Hear hear!
Level 8 - well done you. You've beaten me!
Hey up chuck!
Glad you’re with me too.
OI, Neighbours... Pfff, Home and Away = Rubbish - That's slanderous. How very dare you! ;-x
Of course... Well reminded!
When I got to work this morning, a certain somebody had bought me St Georges flag, from the garage on the way to work, and draped it over my PC for when I arrived. What a lovely gift, but it did make me chuckle!
I just have to decide its fate...
wooooooooooo im famous on ur blog phil!! hehehaha!! is doll a good or bad thing kayla? thank-you if its good!! lol!! retard is offence dogga!! thnx kees!! soz dogga for writing a comment but most of them were about me so i had to comment again!! lol!!
"Oh dear"
I'd give up now if I were you, won't win against nieces!!
I am not a fan of the ball of feet either. That goes for American football too. I like to play/watch tennis although I miss the 80-90s with the McEnroes, Conners, Sampras, Becker etc. It's sometimes dull now. I'd rather play it.
What happened to your Corfu photos post?
Watcha Kayla!
Erm, yes, erm... OK... I will post on the weekend! ;)
Aww. I loved the England game today. Beckham set it up oh-so-nicely during the 83rd min.
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