A friend at work showed me this snippet from Electronics Weekly magazine...
Read the text then study the picture:
[Click for bigger]

When I was shown, he withheld the picture by folding the page and got me to read the text first. It wasn't until the picture was revealed, did I A) Nearly wet myself and B) then realise this must be a spoof article! ...I hope so anyhow :]
Today, I'm Most Angry About: Being awake since 4:30am 'cos of the heat, reagrdless of all the windows in my house being fully open! :[
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 3/10
Do Merkins do spoofs?
"Merkins"? Don't they make...ahem...."wigs"??
It's possible, considering that George Bush is our president, that this, in fact, is NOT a spoof
Mr Hutton:
Hahaha, OK, I'm missing something here and as I'm with Angela here! :]
Please explain sir! LOL
Exactly, or is it me? I only know merkins as being, erm, *snigger* a wig for somewhere other than your head! :] Agh, someone please explain, this is killing me... Well, it's not, but I am intrigued. Or have a made a typo.
*Dogga goes off to have a look*
Hehehehhe LOOOOL... I'm with you on that. :]
DoGGa, Merkins are the people who live in the United States of Merka. At least, that's how it's pronounced! ;)
Thanks! It's all clear now... *snigger* :-}
I love the bizarre turn this post has taken. And yet the title still seems fitting somehow...
Ayeee, any ideas yourself with what's going on? Perhaps you could shed some light over here! :]
Go on then, explain yourself sir!
Let us all sleep easy tonight :]
OK, thanks to Kees we find that this has nothing to do with pubic wigs and should have read "Do 'Merkans do spoofs?"
Slang for Americans.
The magazine was British too :]
So Jan, you were right too.
Damn your spelling Hutters, Damn it!!! :-)
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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