You also drift by the generic boat owners, who habitually shout at you, "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO SLOW DOWN PAST MOORED BOATS, MORON!", regardless of how slow you actually go by.

This was our vessel: A 67 foot canal boat, 8 beds, 2 bathrooms and even a TV and stereo. (Although I had to fix the stereo)
Inside the craft. The kitchen and dining area with the seat on the right becoming my bed of an evening.
Despite the length, there's not much girth, (yes, I know, fnar, fnar) so you're always up close and personal with your fellow shipmates, so not a lot goes by unheard or unfelt...
Andy, Duncs, Mart, Luke and Amy at the helm.
I love to climb around the sides of the boat and lie on the roof!The British weather showed us a good performance too. A short, but sharp shower came over when Martin was at the tiller, so he got a tad damp, shall we say.. UNLUCKY!!!
More extreme cow torching... Cow figurehead! Mooooooo
Aww, don't 13 year old children* look sweet when they're asleep?
I dunno actually... Do they? LOL
The weekend's slight technical hitch: Come on now, the weekend wouldn't have been complete without one now would it!
Somehow, a large piece of fencing wire got wrapped around the propeller, so Andy and Mart tried to get it out, but the use of our junior hacksaw and pliers were futile, so we called an engineer out, put our feet up and cracked open the beers. Problem solved!
My big sis (age, not physical size) enjoying a cup of cha.
I was messing around with the built-in effects on my camera and took this beauty, which resulted in Duncs looking very much like Wilfred from the Beano's Bash Street Kids! :)

An exciting part of our chosen route, was the trip through Wast Hill Tunnel, which takes quite a while to get through as it's an impressive 2.5km / 1.5 miles long!

The whole trip took about as long as this shutter speed I think!
Daylight at the other end! I had begun to forget what it looked like.
...and smile for the camera Luke...
Monday morning was an early start, *cough* 8:30am, as we needed to get the boat back. The sunrise and morning mist was very scenic indeed.
[* Oops, sorry, I get told off if I address her as a child, now she's a rational, mature acting teenager of course, LOL]
Today, I'm Most Angry About: Thinking it was a good idea to introduce some of my new chilli puree to the chicken stir-fry I was making for tea, just to pep it up a bit like, but I seriously underestimated the power of the humble chilli, as I had to give up half-way through eating it, due to excessive nose running and involuntary removal of all taste buds.
I'm not looking forward to tomorrow morning's re-entry sequence :-o
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 5/10
Today's Top-Tip: McDonalds - Make all of your packaging materials green in colour so they blend in with the countryside after they've been thrown out of chav car windows.