"I hope you all had much festive fun and I wish everybody
a Happy New Year!"
As previously mentioned, my Christmas and New Year was very different to anything I had experienced before, as I spent the festive period living and working at the Tan Hill Inn THE HIGHEST PUB IN BRITAIN! (ALSO... IN THE MIDDLE OF FLIPPIN' NOWHERE)
A superb, unique time was had and I was made very welcome.
I learned a hell of a lot, including just how hard it is to run a pub, but being away from all my friends and family, especially at this time of year, really made me realise just how much they mean to me and gave me the time to reflect upon how much I missed everyone! :]
The Tan Hill Inn on a cold foggy night... My home for two weeks
Inside is a different place, with open fires, an original stone floor, plenty of real ale, animals, folks playing guitar and bonkers people
We had many walkers and cyclists drop by, as the Pennine Way runs right past the pub
Sherbet the dog, with her festive 'Woof Woof Merrily on High' Neckerchief.
Hey, the pub fits between her Gremlin-like ears
One morning, I found myself helping the Landlady give one of the ducks a bath, as it was injured by a customers dog a few days ago
DoGGboy himself, working behind the bar, with fellow barman Nano.
The rather phallus looking green thing is John Smith's Extra Smooth... Honest guv!
Aww, look at Toronto the kitten with Sherbs asleep by the fire on Christmas Eve
Christmas morning was really cold, as the place hadn't risen above freezing for 3 days.
Most of the staff and guests, including Tan, Sherbet and Myself, took a walk on the moors. Note the inch-long ice hanging off the blades of grass
Mike (Landlord), Tan (Sheep) and Tracy (Landlady)
After the morning walk, me and Tracy behaved like naughty school kids, by taking Tan into the side room and dressed him up as Father Christmas and then presented him to the outside world, which caused much hilarity with the guests and passers-by alike
Christmas dinner was a true feast... We got the guests to prepare vegetables AND wash up too... Result! There was a huge selection of food, including good old sprouts, and we were joined by Esmeralda the chicken, but we did not eat her :]
Sunset on Christmas Day

A friend popped up for on Boxing Day and we walked the Pennine way for while with Sherb

After popping back home for two days, to see friends and family and attend a fancy dress party (post coming shortly), I went back up north to help out with two weddings at the Tan Hill...
The first of which had a medieval theme, and as you can see, the costumes were fantastic and they played the parts well too
The one night we had winds peak at 98mph! Here you can see the anemometer's peak level nearly bottomed out. I went outside, but could not walk in it... Truly amazing winds!!!
I awoke the following morning to see Sherb had spent the night at the bottom of my bed.
A true hot water bottle, as she doesn't go cold after a few hours!
The next day was New Years Eve and we had another wedding.
A far more traditional one this time...
This is the Tan Hill's bridal suite... I kid you not!
The barmaid, Michelle, got a 7 week old puppy 'Tinker' for Xmas.
I was initially fooled into thinking they'd bought me a puppy and for a second I believed them, Grrr, how cruel!
...and I was having a bad-hair-day too :[
Many laughs were had, and Tracy never failed to shock me with her antics and phrases expressed in front of customers, but Mike got a classic one in on Christmas Eve while wrapping presents in the bar:
Tracy: "Ooh, are all those for me?"
Mike: "Yes dear, you wanted lots of small presents, so that's what I got you!"
Tracy: "Well I hope one of them contains a diamond ring, as that's what I'd really like."
Mike: "Nope... You've got a ring round your arsehole dear, what more do you want?" :0)
Today, I'm Most Angry About: Recovering from a stinking cold,
AKA ManFlu! Grrr...Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 3/10Today's Top Tip: Motorists: Pressing your 'foglights' switch for a second time, days after the fog has cleared, will actually turn your foglights off!