I felt very privileged to be left pretty much in charge of the place and did not take the responsibility lightly, so put everything I had into it and it all turned out just fine :]
Myself, Andy and Rachel ran the place like clockwork(ish) and a superb time was had:
Upon arrival, Tan Hill was a windy and snowy scene
Who's the barman in the kewl hat?
The Old Peculiar clock, hung above the till, does actually make sense after 3 pints of the stuff, honest guv.
Tracy's Hagland - If we get really snowed in, this is our ticket out!
On my first morning, I should of guessed something was likely to happen, but did not expect to have a 'snowball wakeup'. This little jape was concocted between Andy and Rachel and I thought both of them were funny as f*** :0)
As you can imagine, I was glad to see Sherbet the dogga again, YAY!!!
It's true - 3 rings and it goes in. There are a few jars full of pickled phones on the bar :)
Andy actually washing up :0) *kidding*
One of the many responsibilities is looking after the chickens - So I round up the hens to put them somewhere warm for the evening and make sure they are fed.
Also, there are a few ducks to keep warm and fed too, but I have concluded that ducks are actually more stupid than chickens! Aww, how cruel, but they are cute.
Toto the kitten outside the pub on a sunny afternoon
Ted Moult from 'that famous 1980s Everest double glazing advert' where he drops the feather by the window. The advert was filmed here and that is the actual feather used. How cool!
The hound really knows how to go straight to my heart by doing the classic sit up and beg manoeuvre, normally perfectly executed when I have food.

The beautiful Rachel playing guitar and singing one afternoon, captivating the whole pub.

This sign was replaced by a modern one the day after I took this!
Ooh, yet another one of the dogga, how did that get in there?
Last, but very much not least, Tracy the landlady - Although I'm not sure the word 'lady' is something I would whole-heartedly associate with her :0)
A moody tan Hill sunset
Anyhow, I'm flying out to Germany today folks, to attend the Musikmesse and much more in Frankfurt, so see ya'll in a week.
Today, I'm Most Angry About: My car refusing to start this morning, as the battery appears to be voltage shy... Grrr... and then my PC at work broke, then my printer and then my PDA... What a morning that was - I was in ever such a good mood!
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 6/10
Today's Top Tip: Chavs in Vauxhall Corsas. Attach a lit sparkler to the roof of your car before starting a journey - You drive the things like dodgems, so they may as well look like one!