The place was fully booked except for one luxury villa, so what the heck, we booked it anyway and my word was it nice.
Me, Amy, Luke, Kees, Silver Fox, Andy, big sis numbah 1 taking photo
It also had a steam room and sauna inside.
Now that's posh, but we are very much not :)
Check out our 'steel horses' parked outside
Just like the Hells Angels... Almost
The first day incorporated a new made-up game of:
"Phil has to squeeze a completely 'random' word into a conversation with Centre Parcs staff regardless of what it takes game"
The 'Random' word theme of choice from the others: Vehicles
1. Lifeboat (Andy's suggestion)
Completed! Much to the embarressment of my sister, I asked the car park attendant if there were any lifeboats up ahead before parking, to which he replied "err, no" after a short pause
2. J.C.B. (Sis's suggestion)
Completed! Asked the barmaid for one* in the middle of a drinks order, which rather confused her even though I explained to her it was a bit like a digger :0)
[* A JCB that is, tut]
3. Muck-Spreader (Kees's suggestion)
Completed! Asked the barman for this cocktail and he surprisingly enquired what it consisted of. I had to make it up on the spot - Vodka, Malibu, cream and a crushed up pack of M&Ms. He actually made it for me, tried it, liked it and said he was going to add it to the specials menu LOL!
Here is the quaffed 'Muck-Spreader'
After drinks we all went 10-pin bowling
Here's the Silver Fox in action sporting his A.S.B.O. t-shirt
I whipped em all I did
It was good fun watching people do the tree-top course one evening
What do you do with your empty bottle of Coke? Stick it in your unsuspecting nieces rucksack of course, mmmwwwhahaha!
DoGGa caught himself a DuCKling, aww
Luke's extreme strawing
My Jenga art :0)Being a big kid must run in the family... Yeah big sis
I had to have a go at the jumping off a swing trick
I did start to feel quite ill after having a razz on yet another swing :]

After Kees and myself drew at standing in the cold plunge pool for the longest, I challenged her at standing under the outside cold shower back at the villa. I won :[]
Today, I'm Most Angry About: Taking a trip to the supermarket to get a sandwich for work and leaving without one! Quite how I managed that I don't know. Grrr
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 1/10
Today's Top Tip:
Muck-Spreader... inspired! :)
You got all nekkid again didn't you!!?
As always, a great blog entry! Love ya!
Love the HNT - I suspect that it was more than half though!
Wavy :-o
PS: Centre Parks look like top fun! I'll have to go.
M swears by centre parcs. Looked pretty smart. Do you get thrashed with nettles after the hot tub? ;-)
brilliant blog! i met someone off hollyoaks hehe!
amy won't stop going on about meeting somone from hollyoaks, so next time you come round ours expect to hear about that and nothing else!
22 de abril, día de la tierra. Quién no la respeta, no respeta la humanidad.
22 of April, day of the land. Who does not respect it, does not respect the humanity.
22 d'avril, jour de la terre. Qui ne la respecte pas, ne respecte pas l'humanité.
22 نيسان يوم الارض. فمن لا يحترم ومن لا يحترم الانسانيه.
22 von April, Tag des Landes. Wer es nicht respektiert, respektiert nicht die Menschlichkeit
22日,一天的土地. 谁不尊重,不尊重人性. 4月の22、土地の日。
4月の22、土地の日。 それを尊重しないかだれが、人間性を尊重しない。
22 апреля - День земли. Кто не уважает его, не уважать человечество.
22 de Abril, dia da terra, quem não a respeita, não respeita a humanidade
22 της ημέραης Απριλίου, του εδάφους, που δεν το σέβονται, δεν σέβονται το Ανθρωπότητα
David Santos
You're naked with a girl. Naughty.
I love the line up of scooters. Easy riders or what!
Totally, thanks :]
Erm, yes. I did ;]
Big Sis:
Aw, cheers sis! X
It may of been a little more than half yes :]
Centre Parcs is great yeah!
Centre Parcs is superb fun and no, no nettle trashing luckily :]
Cheers! I know you met someone from Hollyoaks - You'll have ot show me the picture!
I met Norman from Hollyoaks once, but he's no longer in it :[
LOOOL... OK, I'll prep myself for it :]
Erm, yes, I may be :]
Scooters roool!
I need a holiday!
I really should get out more! Even Center Parcs is starting to look appealing now! ;)
Looks like another fun filled weekend. Good for you!
its more liek full frontal friday but hey i scrolled all the way down for a butt shot and got a peek at *ahem*. was it a tad nippy :-X
you're making it look more like central PERKS now :)
You do... Go and have one and that's an order! :]
I had a spare bed in my room too Dakota, oh well :`[
Twas good fun, you'd like it - They have a well being spa there too with saunas and massges and all sorts!
Hehe, err no, I only see 'half' a nekkid DoGGa :0) Twas cold yes, so probably best the photo didn't go any lower!
Central Perks, LOL, V clever :X
It was great to see Kees out and about from behind her Phd thesis.
This blog had everything. Cute little ducks, cute little kids and almost but not quite buck naked men in showers.
I think Kees was glad of the break yeah!
Glad you liked the blog! Hehehe, something for everyone eh :]
First off, if I could whistle on here, I would! I like the look of surprise in the HNT photo.
Also must comment on the superior concentration you have while bowling!
haha..Congrats on the win
Love the A.S.B.O. shirt. Went to the link, never heard of that before. Guess that's another one for our dictionary!
Love all of your photos DoGGa. I really appreciate seeing and learning about all of these cool places
looks like a great time! awww what a cute little all the photos dogga its good to be back at your blog
Glad you liked the post Kayla!
Hehe, it was more a look of determination to beat Kees :]
Ah yes, our dictionary, ASBO LOL!
Cheers kayla...
The ducklings were just great and very cute. The mum wasn't bothered about them being handled either! :]
Good to see you around again Lindzy, especially now there's 1.5 of you!!! :}
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