There is a glider station at the summit and many were out to play
How to clean your child that has slipped over in the mud on his bum...
Big Rich styleee!!!
:0)Once back at camp, it was Andy's pancake time...
Followed by a late night cheese and red wine sesh.
The red wine was courtesy of Mike, seen here proudly showing off the rather delicate bottle of Merlot he kindly blessed us with :]
He even served it to us in coffee mugs - Pure class
Today, I'm Most Angry About: Drivers who do not give enough room when passing cyclists and think it's OK to just squeeze past - GRRR
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 8/10
Today's Top Tip: Motor Bikers and Sports Car Drivers: Remember to give two or three hearty blips of your throttle before switching your engine off, when stopping at the pub. This will kindly remind patrons on the patio that you master a beast, likely to burst into life at any moment, of its own volition!
Ow ow ow ow ow ... ow ow ow ow ow.
Love it! :)
DB are you EVER at home??? Looked like great fun :o)
What a good way to clean up a child! I like it! :-)
Muddy boys, and giant bottles of wine ...sounds like a perfect guys camping trip to me! My Internetz are being a beeetch, so I will have to check out that video tomorrow! I'm sooo curious.
hahaha! Loved the video. Very original technique :O)
So, did the boys find the cache?
What goodies were awaiting?
Are you insane? Camping with children not your own?
I thoroughly approve of the cleaning technique.
Mike had his bottle. Where was yours?
Brilliant fun my friend!! I wish I had come..
Makes me chuckle too... ow :]
I'm at home somtimes yeah :0)
Genius, is it not :)
Top cleaning technique... A visual top-tip!!! Twas a good trip indeed :]
Maybe a womans' touch was needed for the wine? :]
Yeah, we foudn the cache, but nowt good in it - we just singed the book and carried on :>
I know - not right is it!!!
Good fun though and they are all nice children, honest :]
We all shared the wine and had plenty of beer stashed too.
Ah, you're a camping man then Mutley :-)
LOOOL - "man-date"... very clever :0)
I liked the bit about Max in your blog
im likin the guy with long blonde hair, put more pics of him!
Hehe, well that's what I sung to him! :]
Hello and welcome Becki!
The chap with the long Blonde hair is my nephew Luke - are you sure you want to see more of him LOL :]
Are you a fellow blogger or how did you stumble across my site?
Come on DogBoy, be a BlogBoy! (D'you see what I did there?)
Where are you, my friend?
BlogBoy - I like it!
I think this blog is over for now.
Cheers for dropping by though.
Take care x
'Tis good to see that you are not writing much these days either, considering your last entry was the 18th of August.
How are things anyway?
So where are you now you waster?
Haha :0) I'm still out and about doing the usual things, but working more now and not really having the time to blog - I still read yours and the others from time to time, I'm just not active as it were...
I may be back at some point!
Cheers matey :]
LOL!!! Love all the pics! (And the top tip;o)
Uummm...hello???...anyone there???...Hey Dogboy...You gonna be back???...Miss you!!!!
Well that figures...Me thinks I need to read the comments before posting. I hear you too. I don't blog like I use to anymore either. Life's just getting busy, eh?
oh...while i'm here..Is there a reason why you changed your profile pic back to the puppy dog???? FANTASTIC shot of you!!! Ya lil HOTTIE;o) Me thinks you need to put it back up!
Oi! Reassure me that you're still alive!
Yeah, life's a little busy right now - I still read all the blogs, I just no longer actively participate...
I changed back to the dog for a change that's all - many thanks for your compliments Crystal *blush* ya lil' blonde hotttie ;0)
Still alive, just no longer actively blogging or participating - I still read yours and the others though!
Thanks for dropping by :x
Just saying hello! Hope all is well wih u. MISS ur pictures and wonderful stories!!
Cor, I haven't been to my blog for a while now!
Good to hear from you Crystal - I don't really get the time to blog now and do miss it, but everyone seems to use Facebook... Come and join us! x
Smiles mate!
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