Tuesday, 21 March 2006

Sorry, What Was That..?

Today, at lunchtime, a known customer rang me for technical support, but I was out at a local lunchtime circuit training class, so works receptionist informed him of this and took a message for me to return his call.
When I returned his call in the afternoon, he answered his phone and greeted me by humming the traditional circus music, "daaa, daa, daaa, da, da, da, da, da, daa", which made me laugh at the surreal greeting, although slightly confused until he explained what he had heard. He had mistaken the receptionist saying circuit training to be 'circus training'.
He rang again for more assistance, later that day, and the start of the phone call went something like this:
Customer: "So what have you learnt today at circus training?"
Me: "Well, today we learnt how to accurately throw custard pies".
This I feel is going to be a common opening line theme for some time with this particular customer.

This reminded me of a time when I first started work and every day we would pre order food from a local generic sandwich delivery shop. It was my turn to take and place the order and the last item on the list was an egg mayonnaise and cress sandwich on white. A fairly common order and ordinary sandwich, one would presume.

However, the lady on the end of the phone sounded confused and asked me to repeat the last item, not once, not twice but three times! Strange I thought, but we completed the order and asked for delivery as normal.

When the order arrived, a colleagues egg mayo and cress sandwich, turned up with no cress on it. He was slightly annoyed, but tucked in regardless. Although, when he came to eat the second half, he noticed a small foil package in with the sandwich. He opened the suspicious looking package, to discover several off-cuts of bread inside.

It took several confusing minutes to discover she must of misheard egg mayonnaise and cress as being egg mayonaise and 'crusts'!

It then took a good while to resume normal bodily control from laughing so much.
Surely this could only happen in Stourport-on-Severn... I hope!

Today, I'm most angry about: Not being able to get the backlight to work on my PDA at home, although at work it works fine! Go figure!

Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 3/10


Anonymous said...

HA HA HA. Great story! Let me know when you have learnt to walk the tightrope! (PS thanks for your support with skype). Sis

Pookledo said...


I remember being asked where the fight was once at a school where I worked. Took ages for me to figure out that they were actually asking for the fete.

Phil said...

Yeah, we're learning the more advanced stuff next month Sis! LOL

Sarah. A playground scrap turning out to be an innocent fete! Superb!!!

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.