Wonderful Word of the Week:
growler // n.
1 a person or thing that growls, esp. slang a dog.
2 a small iceberg.
3 a euphemism for "something anatomical" [;->]
Rubbish Word of the Week:
tummy // n. (pl. -ies) colloq.
the stomach.
[childish pronunciation of stomach]
Ewwwwwww... Stomach, mid-drift and even belly are OK, but tummy is just plain wrong!
[Disclaimer: I have many favourite words, and equally ones I do not like.
Years ago, I got ribbed at work for declaring this thought, especially as I would confess a new disliked word everyday and for some reason, this caused much hilarity with co-workers. My colleagues would then teach me a new 'word-of-the-day' as they were uni buffs and I was teenager.
It's not that I like or dislike a particular word because it's meaning (real or not), It's just how it sounds when spoken that does it for me or not!]
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 4/10
i like tum tum best. there i said it :P
Hi DoGGa,
Naturally, you would like the word "Growler" in each of its definitions ;)
I never knew "tummy" was slang either!
Leave it to the DoGGa to teach me something new...Merci
Third of Never has a new song posted for 24 hour only on their myspace..check them out, it's worth a good listen
Erm ... 'mid-drift'? Surely you mean 'midriff'? ;) And when I were a lass people got slapped for saying 'belly' - that was a very rude word!
Mind you, 'mid-drift' is certainly appropriate when one reaches a certain age and level of fitness! :O
Have you watch the "Da Vinci Code" the movie? is it the same story as the book?
I didn't really get the main idea of that movie, I might have to go and watch it again!!
Third of Never:
Thanks for visiting and commenting...
I've visited and had a good listen while cooking tea! I like it, although a bit different to what I normally listen to. I'll pop it on tomorrow too while I'm working round the house!
Tum tum eh. Are they not indigestion relief tablets? ;-)
LOL! ;->
That's what word of the week is all about...
Third of Never... See above!
Ah, you got me! Serves me right for rushing a Blog entry on a Friday evening before going out. But yeah, LOL, I do circuit training to fight the 'mid-drift'! Hehehe...
Hi ya!
Ah, no, I dying to go see it after loving the book so much and yes it is a film based on the book!
I bet you were well lost, not having read the book! :-0
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