Friday, 7 July 2006

We Are Sailing...

Today, I'm off down south for the weekend to try out an 'Introduction to Sailing' course with three friends.

I have no idea what to expect, but as long as we do not get attacked by a giant squid or get raided by pirates, it should be a good laugh!

Sea you all next week... BOOM BOOM

Today, I'm Most Angry About: Having a 'pleasant' dream about Tammin Sursok and waking up before it got 'interesting'! Grrr
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 2/10


Dakota said...

Oh….sailing! Now I am jealous ;)
Have a great weekend!! Watch out for sharks, squids, pirates, the boom and…… no diving signs ;)
And you are finally sleeping I guess. Dream = sleep = great :) x

Anonymous said...

I hope you wear those flip flops when you go.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

As Napoleon said "A l'eau! C'est l'heure!"

*Fetches coat again*

Kayla said...

DoGGa on the high seas!
Can't wait to hear all about it

Yoda said...

Whoa! Keep your sail steady! G'luck on your trip :-)

Phil said...

I am seroiusly thinking aobut getting a small sailboat (a sunfish). I have a lake that I kayak on which is a w minute walk away. Sailing looks like so much fun. I want to do that before...I wind up not doing it

Phil said...

I was vigilant and no horribles happened on the weekend. Report coming soon!
Sleeping better and having some awesome dreams, but not fixed yet. Thanks anyhow! x

Hehehe, no I didn't! It would have been man overboard for me in those torture devices! :)

*Dogga holds coat and door... again* :]

Indeed and pretty high to on the last day! Report coming soon...

Cheers mate. All was cool...

A little sunfish looks great. They must be relatively inexpensive second-hand. Get one, get one, get one... :]

Kayla said...

Good morning Dogga,
Hmmm..."pretty high on the last day"? You or the seas?? Or both?

Phil said...

Afternoon Kayla.
That'll be the seas, not me LOL. Although I wish it was both :]

Anonymous said...

All the pirates were in the Crown and Sceptre Saturday, so you were lucky;-)

Phil said...

Ah, that'll be why it was so quiet out at sea. Cheers Hutters... :]