We ate fondue, which was just delectable, especially as I hadn't eaten fondue styleee before now, so off with the 'F' plates for me. Yay
After feeling very stuffed, we grabbed champagne and went for a dip in the outdoor heated pool and did some stargazing.
Next, we all got comfortable around the Playstation 2 for a hardcore late night session at Singstar. (...and for those of you who have never played Singstar... Shame on you! :] )

The dominating post midnight view!
Andy and The Silver Fox in intense vocal combat
My goon of a 13yo niece decides to use me as a mattress, just as I'm enjoying my fave Leffe beer!
Sis Numbah 1 Singstar action
After 'vocoholic' lubrication, DoGGa and Kees go for a head to head battle - Can't remember who won now though! %-]

My sis is intent on doing the YMCA moves. Oh dear, oh dear!
After my Big Chill cow torch discovery, I managed to obtain one off the intermaweb and inadvertently started a bit of a trend friends, as they have now purchased them too!
DoGGa and Kees, proud to be with their cow torches... Although I have a bit of Chris Moyles unshaven, double chin going on here...
The Silver Fox, an ale and my cow torch... Perfic!
We put our cow torches together and they hit it off rather well...
Too well though and they had to be split up... Naughty cows... Stop humping like that... Pfff
My cow torch got bored and played noughts & crosses and hangman on Kees's hoof!
3:30am saw bed time, and 9am saw me getting up and falling back to sleep on the sofa for a while, after waking with mouth like the bottom of a parrots cage.
I then headed outside for the sun before getting stuck into a fry up, a quick morning walk and then an afternoon go on Buzz. I then drove to the supermarket and home, while listening to Lily Allen - Smile really loud and singing along like a madman.
Today, I'm heading off to Malvern for the West fest (a one-day festival)
Friends and myself are doing the main stage - providing the sound and engineering etc, not performing LOL.
If anyone fancies coming along, then please feel free to and say hello!
[ *Invoice in the post for plugging your blog there Ms Keesie Dee... Oh, and again :)]
Today, I'm Most Angry About: Seeing a guy throw an empty bottle of beer out of the passenger window of his mate's car and it smashing on the road while they grinned inanely at what they had just done. Grrr idiots...
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 5/10
We nearly came along to Malvern today. Stu was hoping to wear his KT t-shirt so you would know who he was.
And I got a text last night banning me from singing Buck's Fizz again as our friends can't get my score off the top spot. Yay!
I don't know about Singstar :-(
I assume it's similar to Karaoke, but you somehow get points?
You should post an audio Dogga!
I'd love to hear you sing.
Naughty cow torches ;-)
It's a little upsetting that even they are getting more action than me...haha
Sorry. But Karoake is WRONG. As is chucking rubbish from cars, of course
Sounds like a very fun time. I can't sing at all to save my life.
I know what you mean about littering, It really burns me up
Can't remember who won. Pffff. A likely story.
Look at us with our cow torches!!! We rule. They did get on rather well didn't they. Rude cow torches. Maybe we'll soon be hearing the pitter patter of tiny torches.
It was a superb night, lots of fun. And thanks for the plug(s), you might want to add 'shameless plundering of photos for use in very very similar post' to that invoice xxx
Yeah, wish I could come, but I think the trip would be a little too long... I probably wouldn't make it there until after it was over.
And I agree with Kayla... I wanna hear ya sing!
And just where oh where is my DoGGA?
Just saying HI
Would have been great to see you both in person, but I would have to escort Stu of site for wearing that t-shirt! Kidding, that would have been funny. :]
Hooray for you and Buck's Fizz - may you remain at the top forever.
Hi and Mornin' Kayla... Here I am...
Singstar is a console Karaoke point scoring system and it's great fun.
I have awful voice, it's quite deep, so I can't get anywhere near a high note - saying that, I'll post one when I get chance anyhow *note to self* although you will be disappointed :]
Hey, last I heard, you were deciding between two guys... What happened..? Poor Kayla :'[
Proper Karaoke is wrong, but Singstar is much more refined, unlike littering. :(
I can't sing really, but I like to give it a go.
Littering = Grrrrrr!!!! :]
Yeah, we were a tad laid back... More effort to stand and sway will be made next time! ;)
Hahaha, yeah I'm sure it was you who won actually, but ONLY JUST I recall! :}
We could rule the world with them there torches Kees! "RUUULLLEE the WORLD... Mwwwwhhhhhaaaahhhaaaaa!"
Mmm, I great night was had indeed, so void that invoice, I'll let you off. ;) xxx
You'd be more than welcome Sarah, but yeah, you may have arrived faaar too late! :{
Aww, the pressure is on to hear my voice = Not good! As I said to Kayla, it's too deep, so doesn't cut for singing, unless you like Barry White... *snigger*
Yay, another Singstar fan!
Yeah, I had to concentrate against Kees, as she has nice girly voice and I basically don't! LOL
I challenge you to a game sometime :]
Cow torches ROCK!
Deep voices are sexy ;-)
I won't be disappointed..I know you aren't a rock star.
I kicked the alien Spock to the curb, and am still dating Tom.
However, I may end that soon...
I'm debating
Beating the men off you are! LOL
You need to blog more about your love life I reckon :]
"Getting no action" you say... ;-)
Could have been worse - I could have stood up and done YMCA!!
Anyway, where is your party spirit!!
love your photos:) the pic with your niece using you as a mattress is super cute
Super cute? You jest! She's 13 and a pain. LOL :]
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