The event ran from 12 midday 'til 12 midnight with many bands playing, leading to a slight challenge with getting them all on and off stage in time:

The line up... Whooooooooooooo I hear you say!

Guess what Doggboy had to fix!

The very neat stage - I like it ran tidy you know! :]There were a group of very drunk people dancing and falling over at one point. Very entertaining to watch.
When we were setting up the penultimate band, a group of people where counting out their pennies on the stage (literally) and discussing that they needed an extra £1 to buy a beer. Overhearing this, I gave them a pound ('cos I'm nice like that), but this lead to me being enthusiastically hugged by about 4 complete strangers, although one was a cute girl, so I'm not complaining ;)
The compére was Dan Johnson from the BBC and we had a good laugh, as a lot of his time was spent announcing lost property and children, rather then compéring, but we were almost in tears when we got given this lost dog, as we had no idea what to do with it, as no one claimed it. It could shake paws though!
The last band of the evening were a very entertaining covers band, but the crowd invaded the stage at the end of the last song and they decided it would be fun to grab and shout down the microphones. A few of us had to go on stage with elbows while I grabbed and unplugged all the mics as quickly as possible. A mini riot :]
We finished packing up at 1:30am and there just had to be one more event befoer the evenig was out, did there not? Oh yes there did:
We towed the box trailer, full of the PA gear, up the main hill using Andy's 4x4, but when me and Rich unhitched it, the hand brake on the tralier couldn't hold all the weight and it started to roll back down the hill.
"Shit" was said very loud as me and Rich grabbed the trailer and were pretty much rolling on the floor desperatly trying to stop the thing from rolling away, while Andy found a rock to chock one set of wheels...We did it just in time and then pissed ourselves laughing! Phew

The trailer in question
Today, I'm Most Angry About: After a hard lunchtime circuit training class, I had to take a completely cold shower, as due to the kids being off school and swimming all day in the leisure pool, all the hot water had gone. Brrrrr :[
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 3/10
Dogga, you crack me up!
I love how you tell a story...You are soooo funny!
I was laughing outloud and visualizing the trailer incident.
Cheers to the hip elderly couple :)
Jeers to the cold shower!
The Pewke Band?? What sort of name is that!!??
What happened to the pooch?
Hmmmz… can’t seem to find the action shots of you and Rich trying to stop the trailer. Such a shame ;)
It looks like you had a great time……again!!
God, it looks like you are ALWAYS having fun... ok that's it... I'm movin' to England!
Check out that guitarist! What did I tell you? It's all about the beards, all the cool kids have got beards
:-)}}} - that's him and his beard BTW xx
i reakon the drunk people were the best entertainment !! lol
That's a serious amount of cables there...
I didn't recognize any of the bands on the program but I much prefer to listen to live music. I went to the local Fest in my neck of the woods recently and was blown away by Spirit of the West.
Looks a fun show, you seem to love your job. That's so cool
Doncha just hate it when runaway trailers have a happy ending?
Glad you like the story and the trailer incident was rather scary!
Hup hup for the old folk indeed :]
Odd name 'Pewke' yeah, but OK band.
Ah, the dog, well someone came over after a while and knew the owners of the dog and said it was OK to let it go, so we did. It ran off in a very specific direction until out of site.
That would have been great if we had someone to take photos, but it was a serious case of 'all hands on deck'! :]
A great time was had, but no camping etc, so no late night stupidity. :'[
Hehehe, I'm just posting the 'best bits', but the UK is kinda cool yeah... Come on over.
LOL, I bet, but you would have had to of fought me first! :P
Eh, looks like beards are in... Excellent as I'm rather liking my half-assed attempt! XXX ;o()}}
Yeah, they were rather entertaining!
Spider Girl:
Hi and welcome... The cables are a nightmare, always are.
I had only heard of one of them, but live music is rather good, so I'm with you on that one!
Yeah, I do love doing gigs, but my day job is a desk job, mostly; this is just a sideline. :]
Hehehe, it would have been real nasty if it had gone. It weighed a load and was laden with expensive PA gear. It also contained my umbrella! :[
looks like fun!
Mmm, it was indeed!
Seems like a fun weekend, Res1's for monitors were treated well...
However, the whole traier rolling down hill, hmm...
Hi up Ben!
All the stuff and the Res 1s are ours :)
Don't go there about the trailer, talk about a panic.
See ya London!
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