I think I may be coming down with a cold, as yesterday I felt a little hoarse!
I found this little fella walking around, un-tethered, on a lunchtime walk into town. He was in a field with two other tethered horses, but for some reason, this friendly little equine was roaming free, so I couldn't resist a fussing session and picture with that pun in mind.
Today, I'm Most Angry About: Dry lips - I always get dry lips this time of year when it goes cold. Grrr... Blistex on stanby!
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 3/10
Today's Top Tip: Avoid parking tickets by leaving your windscreen wipers turned to 'fast wipe' whenever you leave your car parked illegally.
cherry chapstick :X
p/s u can also think about remote-controling the super-fast windshield wiper. imagine you're sipping your espresso & along comes the ticket guy.... fun!
Cute. Dry lips are a sure sign that winter is coming.
LOL! Now take care of yourself....get ride of the ho(a)rse :)
Ta! :)
Mm, cherry chapstick. I had some years ago, but couldn't stop licking my lips then, so I chnaged to ordinary! :]
Hahaha, yeah, a remote control for your wipers would be just superb for a wind-up!
Precisely what I was thinking Kat :]
Whoa, you must have posted exactly when I commented...
I think the genuine cold is amounting to nothing, which is great :)
What a cute miniature horse!
How fun to find him roaming about, wanting a little attention and petting.
Carmex for my kissers!
And Cetaphil facial cream by the loads in the winter
Very good advice there, young grasshopper.
'cept where I live there aren't that many illegal parking areas.
T'was a V sute mini-hoss indeed. Carmax you say eh? That sounds like some sort of automobile cleaner LOL :] Don't think we have that over here?
You shoul dbe over here; parking legally is a challenge, 'cos everywhere's illegal :o)
hourse! ha good one! love it!
I had some dry lips today..you know when it first starts and you GOTTA GET THE CHAPSSTICK asap? or else it will really burn?..thats what happened to me today. Luckily I got some in time.
anyway hope your houreseness doesnt lead to a cold lol
Groan...Dogga gets the prize for worst blogging pun of 2006!
Very cute.....and the Shetland is really sweet too! ;)
Pfff, silly me…. I meant to say rid not ride!
Glad the cold is amounting to nothing :)
No cold present, COOL! Eye, fingers at the ready on the chapstick. I wonder if they if they do Galstick or lady stick? Chap-stick sounds a bit male biased LOL :]
Bailey's Mom:
Hey up chuck! Glas you liked that little pun :o)
Ooh, a prize... I RULE!
Ah, yes, a Shetland, therefore a pony, not a horse... Darn, you#ve just blown my pun DOH :]
Ah, but that's now a double pun, as in 'ride' a horse... boom, boom, I thought it was intentional - you should have kept quiet :O)
Hehehehehe!!!!! I laughed WAY too much I that! Jaysus I've got the giggles now. I loves me a good pun. Brilliant. Oh and VERY cute too xx
Made me chuckle at little too Ms Dee! :-X
Hahaha, nice hairy ass Phil! (I never thought I'd ever say that!) LOL
Could make your millions from that idea! :]
You can't get a second ticket if you already have one, so If you had a previous ticket container and stuck that on your window you should in theory be imune. Unless the winscreen wipers knocked it off of course
Ah yes, good thinking Batman! :]
I *want* that "horse"!
I've had it and it was crap :0)
Ha - I'm going to do this. Really! Excellent advise.
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