They weren't wrong!
Good to see it hadn't moved I guess!
I have nooo idea why, but that's eccentric Tan Hill Inn for ya!
One of my first jobs was to fix the old mine cart outside, that had collapsed under it's own weight.
So with help from Andy, we took out half the stones and fixed it up like new... Ish!
[No looking at my balding patch now*]The lambs seemed to love to watch us all work from this patch behind the bar.
It was that "rammed" up their, all the rooms and sofas (I kid you not) were fully booked and every member of staff was on duty too!
Total chaos, but what fun :0)The customers found it entertaining when I was walking round with a lamb collecting glasses.
I couldn't get this one to pull a decent pint though, pffft!Don't you just love the way cats and dogs can get away with doing 'this' in the middle of the floor in a crowded pub?
No time like the present eh ToTo!I took the canine out for an hours walk across the Yorkshire moors and managed to loose it!
Boy did I panic, for A. The dogs well being and B. My well being when the landlady finds out DoGGa's lost her dogga!!!
I came across this sheep's skull on an old building, which didn't help the matter in hand.
When I got back to the pub 'empty hounded' (see what I did there?) Sherby was sat by the fire looking a tad guilty on spotting me!
She must have doubled back and found her own way after loosing sight of me... Pheeew!The evening's sunset was a spectacular as normal
The next day, my mate Steve came to visit and stop the night.
He said he found the pub all right and his sat nav only made one mistake, although it only cost 79pence, so he couldn't complain! I was rather intrigued to know about this bargain sat nav system...
Let me introduce you to 'SteveNav' brought to you by WHSmiths.
Here he is demonstrating the ease of book marking your location :)
After a killer morning at the pub I.E. 29 full English breakfasts, an afternoon walk with Andy and Steve to the nearest town, Keld was called for.
Check out this country road weaving it's way to Tan Hill
Came across this odd door, high upon the wall of an old farm building
This photo is a pile of shite! Boom Boom
When stumbling across 'Butt House' B&B, there was only one thing to do :]
[I dedicate this photo to Boo]
A very pleasant and much calmer evening was had this night and I took plenty of time out for dog fussing, including Neil's dog Sid, the loveable Staffy.
That evening I showed Steve how to pull a beer.
Please pay attention to his infamous "Good Bush, Bad Bush" t-shirt LOL
I also had to ID two young guys and refuse to serve them for being / looking under age!
The last morning was like a scene from 'The Darling Buds of May' with us staff round one table for toast and coffee
The lambs were not left out from breakfast and we got Steve to feed them, hehe
A bonus video of Tan the Sheep, who masterfully creeps up on this unsuspecting customer and goes for his sandwich :)
[* You looked didn't you?]
Today, I'm Most Angry About: Badges... E.G. When I put my hand into my bag to retrieve my USB stick, a sharp pain took me by surprise and when retrieving my hand, my Wyre Forest Dog Rescue badge was "attached" to my middle finger! Grrr my grrr :[]
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 3/10
Today's Top Tip: I regularly drive to the pub, but I'm never guilty of drink driving. The secret is to consume so much alcohol that by closing time you have completely forgotten ever owning a car!
27 comments: shot!
love it, thanks baby. i love it also when you pull a "stu" with all those baabaa lambs.
and looking at your pics, you are a cutie pie :-X
btw, that is a door that is diffcult to climb up to and through no?
Yay, I got one on for ya at last... The best things come to those who wait eh! :]
I have no idea what that door was doing there - Maybe for loading hay or something onto tractors?
Fancy a roll about in some bales :X
Even with my balding patch you think I'm cute, thanks gorgeous!!! ;]
I dont know where you find the time for your adventures.
Yeah, where do you find the time?
I think you should videoblog your "Top Tip"... I would love to hear you say it :)
Awwww, those are the cutest lambs ever! And what a cute butt you have...the balding spot accentuates it perfectly!
Nor me - Probably why I'm knackered a lot of the time :]
Baldy LOL!!!
I dunno mate - I just dooo :]
Yeah, I could record it good spoken English if I possible and I may do so, just for you!
The lambs were very cute, although I'm not sure about my arse LOL
Thanks anyhow and it's good to hear my balding patch compliments it :]
You are still enjoying yourself tooooo much Dogga, can't you get some responsibility and drudgery into your life?
you would so rock if you did that...
The door up high - for hay carts I would say?? I once met Ken Livingstone in The Tan Hill,about 1984 or so... odd.
That lamb is 100% adorable!! Love the pics as usual. You always seem to have such a great time :)
Hahaha, nooo, that's why I'm single and have no children you see :]
So there :P
Go on then - Keep your eye out in your inbox!
Ah yes, I had my suspicions it was for loading stuff, so I'd agree!
Ken livingston at Tan Hill, how cool - what a claim to fame eh :]
The lambs were seriously cute, but they'll be massive sheep before long :]
Thanks Celeste!!!
That butt is getting a bit old, isn’t it? ;)
Interesting new bit of nakedness though, maybe you should share more picture of that bald area ;P Or am I just being herzlos now?
Anyway, great new batch of photos and a lovely post. You have a grand life, but you probably know that already :)
That butt is nearly 30 years old, but it's 'baring' up well :0)
LOL - Yeah, I can't really blame it on being a thin crown now can I :[
Cheers Dakota, gald you like 'em!
So glad you had another great time up at Tan Hill, and took some more groovy photos! :O)
A great time was had and I love taking photos up there, as there's always something going one :]
Cheers Mellow!!!
hey where did my comment go??? did you delete it (its steve - forgot my log on details!!!!)Anyway - just saying how sexy your photos look this time - must be the inclusion of that good lookin chef!!! And going to try and upload mine - especially that camp one!
Patch Bitch:
I thought something had happened - I haven't touched your comment you accusing food-preparer you!
Should pop one up yourself, I haven't seen your piccies... yet.
Camp one???
It is the inclusion of you that is the icing on the cake in this post yes, it is :]
Wow, it's been a long time since I blogged or read anyone's blog.
Seems you've been up to your old tricks though, there's that bum again (what an honour for you boo!).
I really must start taking my camera out with me more. Shame it's so bulky.
All my pics of late have been really bad camera-phone shots. great to see such good pics on your blog though.
Ouch on the finger. I'm a needle-phobe so ouch followed by a thump as I faint!
Hey DoGGa!
What a gorgeous sunset!
I just love how all of the various animals roam they ever get in a tangle with each other?
Nice shot of balding patch on your bum...err...head. Just teasing you!
Always happy to see a naked DoGGa pic
Lovely, lovely photos as usual
Have another great weekend!
Oh yes..
VERY cute pic of you and Sherbet with his new neckerchief!
Yes camp one - you with dog! dont have all my leads though so going to be next week when i take trip back home! as for deleting - you questioning my ability to post a blog?? you may very well be right - darn theses new modern fangled 'puters.
I am in desperate need of votes in the blogpower awards... follow the link on the right hand side of my blog... I am being crushed by the forces of reaction and face humiliation.
The cat pic Philz.. Takes me back to our discussion about why dogs lick their balls.
Because they can !!
Yeah, still up to my old tricks and more to come! I'm doing more than I can write baout though :[]
A small digital camera is esential for me... I use a Pentax Optio S7 -Got it for £106 from eBuyer delivered the next day!!!
Hehehe, yeah the badge photo should have come with a warning :]
Hehe, yes, the animals do bump into one another and have the occaisional scuffle, but generally they get on very well!
Yeah, I think the hair on head is migrating to my arse :`[
Glad you liked the photos - Sherbs is such a tart :]
Patch Bitch:
I don't look too camp in that photo - I think you have a better one. Send 'em over dude! :]
On my way over right now!!!
LOOOL precisely!!! :]
buddy, where've ya been? its been a long time since your last post!
Heya! Thanks for asking - I've been well busy and frankly doing more than I can blog about or get time to write should I say.
I'll pop a new one up this weekend, just for YOU! :]
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