After coming back from lunch, a friend from downstairs called me within minutes of my return and asked if I had cleaned my car recently?
An odd question I thought, so I walked my intrigued butt downstairs and he pointed out the total annihilation that just happened to my poor bonnet:

For some reason, seagulls hang around were I work and seem to 'offload' all together in one concentrated patch with remarkable accuracy and we have no idea why.
I've witnessed this phenomenon many a time, but I've never actually been the target, so I guess it was the short straw for me this time :`[

Something fishy is definitely going on!!!
(A trip to the carwash on the way home was also going on)
Today, I'm Most Angry About: Crap DIY kits and equally rubbish accompanying manuals... GRRR
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 5/10
Today's Top Tip: Smokers: Give up smoking by sticking one cigarette from each new pack up a chubby friend's arse, filter first, then replacing it randomly in the box. The possibility of putting that one in your mouth will put you off smoking any of them!
Things could have been worse; they could have “off-loaded” on you! Oh well, it washes right away with water and soap :)
Nice quit-smoking tip. Is that how you did it?
Ooh, that's true - I've not heard of the them targeting a human... yet :[]
Hehe, no that wasn't my quit-smoking secret, but if I had thought of it at the time, I may have used it! :0)
LOL @ ""Shitehawkes" - They are a menace, but beautiful too and brilliant flyers... If I were to be an animal, it would probably be a seagul, although a nice and considerate one at that! :]
Haha, yeah - I'll pass that on to them. Maybe I can reason with them? :]
Their mothers must not have taught them how to use the potty properly! I would love to see you reasoning with the birds!
I'll try and capture it for you - Me having a 'word' with the shitehawkes that is :] YouTube it!
Aww, I love seagulls - They're beautiful and amazing flyers, but I don't like their pooh :[]
those gulls were well fed :-x
Maybe its just cos you drive a beamer?
Haha yeah, probably full of fast-food left overs! :[]
LOL - Yes, but I know how to use indicators :)
OMG!! What is it with *&%$ birds anyways eh?! Crows and Gulls can both buzz right off. I had another crow swoop at me today, but it was from the front, so I waved my arms at him and gave him a dirty look. I guess it worked hehe One of the funniest tshirts I've ever seen was a black shirt covered with white splotches, and it letters across the back that said "damn seagulls!" heehee
One time I was at *Target* with my daughter and she was eating a big pretzel. Well, she dropped it and this ninja-type seagull flew right past us, snatched it out of the air, and flew up to the light post before it hit the ground! I swear, it's true.
Seagulls have phenomenal powers.
So sorry about your car!
('bout time I get over to see you!)
Hehe, looks like we're both not having the best of times with our avian friends :[
Love the t-shirt - Quite appropriate!!!
Hello and welcome!
Yes, it's some covering is it not! :[]
Seagulls are amazing agile in the air and sounds like pretzels are on their menu too, wow!
Coming to the UK maam? :]
Hi Dogga I saw your really entertaining nose again thru friend of friend's comments ... seagulls .. they're a cross you gotta bear if you live anywhere by the sea or by gulls, I'm afraid!!
Probably you've been by mine, right?
i also do video blogs now - see the sneezing panda!
OK take it e.z. & I'll be by here again!
all the best
Gledwood "vol 2" ...
Hey just realized you're English... come to my today's post and see if you agree with wot I say about British birdsong ...
(if you don't mind - I'm after a Brit perspective commentator, know what I mean??)
ps why ARE there so few of us Brits seemingly online. Loads of Americans. Even MORE Canadians on a percapita type thing. Hardly zilch Aussies. & barely any English.... why is that??
maybe you're a mate of Dan's? maybe that's where i know your "monicka" from ..?...??
ok take it easy
Tom and I were walking in the aldrige gardens when a bird unloaded straight on his head!
I laughed so hard I cried..we then went to the bathroom and stuck his head under the sink and I washed his hair with the crappy (pun intended) hand soap
Hello and welcome!
I'm nowhere near the sea, but close to gulls :]
The panda sneezing went round on -email a few months ago - V funny and cute!
There are lotsof Brits on-line, but there are just physically more Merkans and Canadians I guess :[]
A friend of Dan's? Dan who LOL???
Cheers matey...
Nest - Cor imagine that!!! :[]
They got the rear of my car today, but not as bad as the front was... luckily, 'cos I cleaned it yesterday GRRR :]
...or should I say 'KJ'? ;0)
Hahaha, that's a funny story - I'm glad it was just my car and not my head now though :]
Heyyy -- sounds like it was one helluva weekend :) I'd like to visit the countryside one of these days again (I'm getting tired of city dwelling)... That door looks a bit dodgy though :P Very beautiful dog, btw :)
Princess Banter:
Hello and welcome Princess!
Yeah, I couldn't live in the city - I live right on the outskirts of a town, so it's a nice compromise.
Sherbs the dog ROX :]
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