Sunday, 29 July 2007


Before I build your hopes up, this is not a saucy erotic post - triple X is Roman numerals for thirty and that's how many years I have been upon this planet, for the other day was my 30th birthday!

I now feel qualified to use such statements as:
"You kids don't know you're born" and
"When I was your age..." etc
Taking food supplements is now acceptable and I also feel it's compulsory to go "ahhh" everytime I sit down :)

Yup, you certainly do smell birthday cake and that's probably what you can smell below

My sister got me this fabulous massiiive cake and it was themed around music and beer! Spot on big sis :]

I was mainly celebrating my birthday while at Sheep Music (post coming next), which is an ideal location and I had a whole lot of fun and a host of gifts and cards bought for me, ranging from booze to cakes, books to money, clothes vouchers to gadgets.

I had loads of cards too, including my first ever e-card from Dakota!
Here's a run through of some funnies:




Everyone at work receives a handmade custom signed-from-everyone card for their birthday and this was mine.
Hoorah for the design Helen!

My sister even got me this walking howling pet husky that now resides on my CD towers, keeping an eye out for any intruders... GROWL :)

Today, I'm Most Angry About: Realising I've permentantly lost all feeling on the left side of the toe that's next to my big toe on my left foot - Grrr!!!
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 5/10

Today's Top Tip:
Dieters: Avoid that devilish temptation to nibble on a chocolate bar in the cupboard or fridge by not buying the f'ing thing in the first place!


Jeangenie said...

Happy birthday Phil! Any more festivals in the offing (ie, should we look out for you at Cropredy!)?

Kayla said...

Happy XXX Phil!
Was the cake as yummy as it looks?
You look Mahvelous, Dahling..Don't give a second thought about turning 30! naked bum photo?

Phil said...

Thanksing you!!!
No, no more festivals for me - I've had enough of muddy ones especially this year (see Sheep Music post coming next)
Have a great time yourself though and I would love to of gone if the weather was better :]

Cheers me dear!
The cake was ab fab yeah - V scrummy.
I like the idea of being 30 and have actually been telling people I'm 30 when they ask over the past year anyhow :]
Hehe, no bum shot, although I could have had a 3 written on one cheek and 0 on the other :0)

Anonymous said...

A very happy birthday to you!! Thanks so much for your kind words on the blog - it means a lot.

Now, have you eaten all the cake yet?

Dakota said...

That is one brilliant and delicious looking cake and the cards are pretty funny too!
Cute low maintenance watchdog, the perfect gift :-)

And turning 30 isn’t a biggie, although there comes a time (somewhere down the line) when you suddenly realize you are that old already ;-(

Phil said...

Graham and Prince:
Thank you sir!
Hope you've perked up a bit?
Yes, all the cake went within a couple of days - The majority went between co-workers :]

Cool cards and cake all round and a low maintenance hound yea :]

Being 30 does make me 'think' yes!

Jenny! said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoyed your cake (it looks delicious)...and since your 30 need to be spending more time in your birthday suit!

Me Myself and I said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Phiiiiiillllllll.....Happy Birthday to YOU!!! (in my very best signing voice)

Great cards, and that husky doll is SO cute!

Today's top tip rocks by the way. If only I had that kind of self control...sigh...

Dakota said...

BTW, forgot to ask earlier. How can you lose the sense of feeling in the left side of your toe?

Lord Hutton said...

Groaning each time I drag myself out of the MG is something I have noticed too. You poor thing. Happy 20-10th

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! :)

b o o said...

aww i missed it. happy belated birthday Phil

kisses xx

Phil said...

Thank you!
The cake was delicious yeah and maybe a HNT birthday post was needed? :]

Thank you and what a wonderful voice you have! :]
AH, you approve of this tip then, unlike the last :0)

I don't actualyl know, but it feels like pins and needles down the one side - Maybe it happened from standing so much over the weekend? If you know how to fix it, let me know :]

Yeah, obligatory car entry and exit groan :)
Thankses Mr H!

Hello stranger!
Thank you matey (I'm not calling you a bottle of 1980's children's bubble bath by the way) :]

Cheers me dear!!!
I posted several days after my birthday becuase of being busy, so it's all a bit late really...
Ooh, virtual Boo kisses :XXX

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Happy Birthday Phil!! Glad you had a good one and I hope there's a piece of that birthday cake left for us all. I shall await the arrival of my bit in the post!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mr Dogga - lovely post sorry I am behind!!

Me Myself and I said...

hey bud, I've tagged you in a meme. You'll have to come visit to see what its all about :)

mellowlee said...

Oh wow! Happy Birthday Phil! Glad you were treated right on your day. That cake looks soooo good :O)

Phil said...

Thank youuu!
Very flat slice of cake in the post :]

Why thanky you sir!

Ooh, OK, will do, cool, thanks, great, yeah, on my way :]

Thanksing you dear! Great day and fab cake indeed :]

kat said...

Happy belated birthday

Phil said...

Aw, thanksing yow :]

Em said...

(belated) Happy birthday!! You are now entitled to make random statements which begin "I remember.." or "when I..." :D e.g. when I was a kid you could get a packet of crisps for 8p... :(

Phil said...

LOL - yeah and a can of pop of 12p etc etc etc :]

Kayla said...

Gotta love the potty humor of "sit"

Phil said...

Potty or toilet humour is just the best - never fails to make me laugh... It must have been how I was brought up ;]

Phil said...

Happy Birthday Phil
It's a little late, but better late than never.
I turn 50 this month :-)

Phil said...

Thank youuuuuuu!!!

50 - ouch, I'm sticking with 30 :]