Our pitch on a deserted campsite at the bottom of Cadar Idris, the highest mountain in southern Snowdonia!
The mass you can see in the background are the mere foothills to this monster; the summit is way up in them there clouds.
What a picture...
All of ten minutes into the accent, I'm knackered and leaking badly.
You should have seen how I looked at the end!
They* say "actions speak louder than words"...
The Miserable Fox shows his appreciation of physical activities!They* are in the process of improving the main path, hence all the white 'Helibags' full of granite in the previous picture, and yes, that's right, bags for helicopters, how cool :0)
The last unforgiving slog into the clouds and to the top
A small mountain hut can be found at the summit.
A few of us once slept the night in here on the floor - it was rather chilly, to say the least, as the hut has no door and clouds would spookily blow in.
...and yes, I do like to dress like a washerwoman from time to time :0)
Rich, you are wearing a rucksack and that is a walking pole, you are NOT a ghostbuster...
Although we didn't see a ghost all weekend, so maybe I'm wrong?Descending back through the clouds revealed breathtaking cloud formations over the lower hills
Day Two:
...out of 10 or 10 minutes??? :]
Next up, was a greasy spoon fry up breakfast and then an afternoon of quad biking
The quad biking site was nestled high up in the Welsh hills and the course was brilliant.
You were issued with protective clothing and quad bike each and taken across miles of fields, through varied woodland and even up and down quite sizable streams.
Half way through, we all stopped for a breather and I fell in love with the farm dogga 'Perol'. An absolutely top dog and the hound even rode on the back of my quad for some of the course, pushing in close to me to keep balance :)
[* I don't know who 'they' are, but if you are one of 'they', make yourself known]
Today, I'm Most Angry About: My lounge radiator leaking :[
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 3/10
Today's Top Tip: [Wise words once sent to me from Sarah]: "Omigod I am so hungover! You should NEVER, under ANY circumstances, go all day without eating, then have 5 beers, 2 shots of tequila, then 2 more beers, another shot of tequila and then 1 more beer"
That looks fabulous. Must go there!
Is it just me, or do the symbols on the helibag make it look like you're allowed to do _anything_ with it _except_ transport it by helicopter? :)
It is a great place and there are good places to eat too!
LOL - I think the symbol says not to drop it anyone or anything, but it is a tad amibiguous :0)
To finish it off, they should have labelled it 'bag for life' :]
Sod that. I try to avoid steep.
Looked like a fun trip. We're hoping to go to the lake district in spring. Hopefully we'll get up to similar activities
LOL - yeah, steep isn't good ;)
The lake district is fab, I've been a few times and enjoyed it :]
What a fantastic looking spot. It looks like it's a tundra zone but the altitude isn't that high (listen to me, I haven't hiked up anything in a long time). Mt Washington New Hampshire is a tundra zone at 6233 ft but it looks as barren as this place. You took some great photos, it looks like a very fun outting. I have to get my arse over there and party with you some day.
Welcome back!
Ned does stupid-walking like that. I stay at home. :)
Cor, Mt Washington is huge - the highest peak in Great Britain is Ben Nevis in Scotland at 4409ft.
You're more than welcome over this side of the pond Phil :]
Thank youuuuuuu!!!
'That' kind of walkng is a little extreme yes, so I don't blame you at all :]
Fantastic - I once camped by that lake on Cader Idris - years ago... it was cold.
The hard slog up the side of a mountain is well worth it - for the views and for the sense of achievement.
Just came back from a stag in Scotland - not much walking done, but equally nice place to visit
Ah, how cool!!! I've spied tents by the like over the years... maybe one of them was you? :]
That's what I have to convince myself :0)
I've been to Scotland only once and it was nice... well apart from the bit when I thought I was going to die, but that aside, a lovely place yeah! :]
Fabulous photos as usual :O) You always seem to be having a great time! It's a bit chilly here right now, and looking at the photos seemed to emphasis that fact haha! I think I'm going to go wrap myself in blankies, and have a hot cup of chai now ;O) *Cheers*
XO Mel
'Twas cold indeed :)
Wow, great trip dogga. Well worth the sore legs afterwards. Beer earned!
Unlimited beer earned indeedeedee ;]
you always have such fun adventures..I must ravel your way soon!..prob not for a few more years though I guess!
hope your doin well buddy:)
wont accept my passwprd..its lindzypinzy
Hey Lindzy - Great to hear from you!
I've had a word with the Queen and she says you're welcome in the UK anytime :0)
I'm doin' OK ta, will pop your way in a mo :]
No titty bars? I was once told that there was a 'mobile brothel' that did the rounds of Snowdonia, servicing the walkers every need..... Alas, I understand the abuse of sheep is no longer permitted.
LOL - Nope, I've never come across 'that kind' of mobile entertainment... yet :0)
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