Recently celebrating bonfire night, here in the UK, I received the usual barrage of entertaining topical e-mails, one if which really made me laugh and basically consisted of a photo of four people spelling out a profanity using sparklers.
I sent the e-mail to a DJ guru friend of mine, who just couldn't resist trying this at home with his 6 and 11-year-old offspring accomplices!
I sent the e-mail to a DJ guru friend of mine, who just couldn't resist trying this at home with his 6 and 11-year-old offspring accomplices!
... The virtuosos at work...
What a dastardly dazzling display and worthwhile effort, I'm sure you would agree! Makes one proud, does it not *taps fist on heart* :0]
Today, I'm Most Angry About: Inconsiderate humans! GRRR
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 8/10
Today's Top Tip: Dyslexics of the world UNTIE!!!
Dear Phil,
I don't do the whole Wanna Ride Bikes anymore... I'm back to middle child syndrome.... not that I write on it much anymore.
Aw, but I wanna ride bikes :0]
Cor, I've got to go and change the link now! :)
Did you see my previous Tip of the Day?
Dogga, you've been tagged on my blog!!
Cool! On my way over :]
We had fireworks in my daughter's new street. I don't think some of the kids there could spell such long words;-)
Haha - leading children astray - you can't beat it!
And oh god, we're back to poo again with the first photo!!
LOL - Precisely! You took the words right out of my mouth :0]
Hehehe - aw, c'mon, EVERYONE can spell 'poo'... can't they? :]
Nothing like starting them off on the right foot!
Oh don't start about poo again whatever you do!!! :0)
Naughty boys! *giggles*
Dogga, you're tagged over my way too.
Haha, those pics and your comments under them are great. *kicks inconsiderate people in the kneecaps for ya!*
Juvenile behaviourists of the world unite you mean!
Very naughty indeed!
Ah, OK, cool, will do maam :]
Excellent, why thank you!
Cool! Get yer kicking boots on - there's plenty of em out there :]
LOL - Well done! :)
Who's the Daddy !
Respect Dogga !
DJ Guru:
Throwing a shape right back-atcha homey :0]
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