Friday, 1 September 2006

A Potato That Looks Like..?

Works lovely accounts lady, Ms Shaw, read my blog entry about the mysterious pototo and brought me in a rather odd looking tattie specimin she found at home: We decided it looks very much like any of the following:
A heart
A pair of testicales
A bum
A pair of breasts
A head-piece from an episode of star trek?

Just thought I'd share this one with you all folks :]

Today, I'm Most Angry About: The panic attack I almost had last night, after not getting even close to having a full blown one for years! Grrr
Grrr-O-Meter Rating: 8/10


Anonymous said...

Don't panic! The beer is on it's way!!

And the tater? Looks like a pair of testicles... on an old man... (Let's remember, the ONLY reason I know that is because I am an RN)

Kayla said...

Rather obscene looking potato ;-)

Oh dear Dogga,
I understand the panic attacks too.
I had a real problem with it after my Dad died. Thankfully, haven't had another attack in 10 years.
Scarey stuff!

LindzyPinzy said...

pair of breasts came to mind first

sorry to hear about the panic attack. Somebody close to me experiences them and they really hold her back at times. Ive had a few minor ones and its not fun

Anonymous said...

It's another picture for Omally's gallery, isn't it?

Phil said...

Panic over! :]
I was just going to say how do you know that, but you're now forgiven!

It is a little rude.
I glad you understand, but not glad you experienced them. They are truly horrible and V scary. ~:[

Breasts came to my mind first too, but not surprising for me! ;]
Wow, yet another panic attack experience.
So many of friends have had them too, it's really horribly common.

Grrr, I do not know Omally's seekrit word! :[

Sorry, that post should have either been censored or carried a certificate rating really. :]

Phil said...

Hmmm, it looks like an a bum for sure.

ah yes, the dreaded panic attacks. Been there (still there), done that, not fun. Time for a little orange pill.

Phil said...

Yeah it does make a good bum indeed!
Oh no, another panic attack sufferer. It's so common, but really shite!

Anonymous said...

Definitely bum.
Dont panic captain mainwaring!

Phil said...

Bum it is then Hutters!
Dad's army - what a balst :}